Using Student Reports (NZ)

This article provides an overview on using student reports to view all student data: student demographics, achievement history, qualification attainment, class history.

To access student reports, click on the Reporting tab.

You can use student reports to

  • Monitor student achievement towards qualifications
  • Monitor student attendance 
  • Identify areas of success and areas where support may be needed

Interactive Features

  • To view the student report of one student
    • Begin typing a student name into the search bar and their name will appear in the list below
    • Click anywhere on the line with the student’s name to open their report
  • To view the reports of a cohort
  • To order the list of students, click on any column heading to order the list by that value e.g. Last name, click again to reverse the order

Student Report Features

Student profile

The student profile displays the student's demographic information.

NCEA Summary

The NCEA Summary shows a student's NCEA achievements and progress towards their next goals.

Learn more about the NCEA Summary in the guide linked below

A summary of NCEA progress and achievement.

Junior Achievement Summary

The student report includes summaries of the student's progress as assessed by available PAT, easTTle, MidYIS results. You can use these summaries to monitor a student’s progress through the junior years and anticipate where extra support or extra challenges may be necessary.

Course results summary

New in 2024 Course results which have been mapped are shown in a chart and table.

You can use the course results summary to monitor student progress over time at an overall level and at the course level.

The default view of the chart displays the average grades at each time point.

Grades are averaged in the table by course and year.

Interactive Features

  • Course grades can be viewed by changing the Select grouping menu to Course
  • Hover over data points in the chart to see details of contributing results
  • Hover over grades in the table to see contributing results
  • Click on a Result heading in the table to order results by that column, click again to reverse the order


In the attendance section you are able to view the student’s attendance history by year or by month.

New in 2024 In the timetable overview 

  • Averages for each day are at the end of columns, averages for each period are at the end of rows
  • Click on Show counts to add counts to each period

More details on this report are in our attendance report guide

Student overview

The overview lists all assessment results available for this student.

You can use the Student overview to

  • Search for a particular assessment result 
  • Check results in a particular subject

Interactive Features

  • Click on the heading Type to order the results alphabetically and put NCEA results together
  • Click on an assessment to see this student’s achievement compared to school and national results
  • Click on Rows per page to see more assessment results at once

Class history

This years’ classes are listed here. You will also find links to previous years’ classes from when your school began importing data to EdPotential.

You can click on class or course names to go to these reports and compare student progress against others in their classes.

Student report filters

To use the student filters click on Show more filters at the top right of the student list.

You can use the filters to

  • Identify students who meet user-specified criteria
  • List all students within the chosen cohort 
  • Check progress of each student or filter further to identify students excelling or at risk

Interactive Features:

  • Make one or more selections, for example
    • Year level
    • House
    • Tutor group
  • The list of students will then compose only students within that cohort
  • New in 2024 Choose the Selected year, for example, to see the previous year’s Year 13 students, change Enrolment status to All students and Selected year to the previous year

NCEA Filters

To use the NCEA filters click on Only NCEA students at the bottom of the student filter selections.

You can use the NCEA filters to

  • Identify students who meet user-specified NCEA criteria
  • Quickly identify students at risk and follow up with timely interventions

Interactive Features

  • Make one or more selections, for example
    • Literacy requirement Status
    • Numeracy requirement Status
    • Credit count

Learn more around using Student NCEA reporting.

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