Using the Student NCEA Summary

This article gives an overview of the NCEA sections in student reports.

NCEA Summary

This section shows a student’s NCEA progress each year and in each Level.

The NCEA Summary enables you to see at a glance

  • The grades attained (hover over the graph to see the grade level and number of credits)
  • The number of credits attained each year and at each NCEA level
  • The number of NYA credits (in grey)
  • New in 2024 The number of credits towards the literacy and numeracy requirements (in the note under the second table)
  • New in 2024 The number of credits towards each level of certificate (e.g. the above report shows 85 Level 1 credits have been attained; 65 credits towards the Level 1 certificate and 20 credits towards the literacy and numeracy co-requisite)

Certifications and Qualifications

The table of Certifications and Qualifications shows a student’s level of attainment and their progress towards their next goal. Certificates and qualifications confirmed by NZQA are in green, those calculated by EdPotential are in blue and those yet to be achieved are in red.

The Certifications and Qualifications section enables you to see at a glance

  • Which certificates and qualifications the student has attained
  • What the student is working towards
  • What the student needs to attain the next certificate or qualification
  • New in 2024 Whether the student has attained the literacy and numeracy requirements and co-requisite

New in 2024 Course Endorsements

Course endorsements from past years are listed in the Course Endorsements section. Courses endorsed with Achieved are in gold, those endorsed with Merit are in green and those endorsed with Excellence are in blue.

Approved Subjects

The Approved Subjects section includes the NZQA UE approved subjects in which a student is enrolled and entered into at least one standard. 

You can use the Approved Subjects section to monitor a student’s progress towards attaining 14 credits in 3 approved subjects.

If a Level 3 subject the student is enrolled in is not shown in the chart, the standards entered in that subject are not listed under an NZQA UE approved subject.

Credits are only allocated to one subject at a time in the chart. For example, the three credits from AS91388 may be allocated to Chemistry or Science but not to both. This ensures you know how many approved subjects a student is on track to gain 14 credits in. A subject is prioritised if the student has earned credits towards that subject. The subject shown in the chart may change over time depending on the credits gained.

New in 2024 The list of standards a student is entered into can be viewed under Approved subjects information. To view the list, click on the arrow on the right.

New in 2024 Excluded Results

An Excluded Results section is visible if the student has results in standards for which credits have not been counted. Credits from a standard may not be counted when either there is another result in these standards or the standards are on the exclusions list alongside other standards the student has passed. To view the list, click on the arrow on the right.

This section is provided to give clarity over why credits from some standards are not counted in the NCEA Summary.

New in 2024 Not Yet Assessed Results

A list of not yet assessed (NYA) results is provided to give clarity over which standards a student has yet to receive a grade in. The list includes how many credits each standard is worth and whether a standard is an internal or external standard. To view the list, click on the arrow on the right.

The list of NYA results may help you see whether a student is able to pass their current NCEA Level given their entries.

NCEA Filters

To use the NCEA filters click on Only NCEA students at the bottom of the student filter selections.

Using the NCEA filters enable you can

  • Identify students who meet your specified NCEA criteria
  • Quickly identify students at risk and follow up with timely interventions

Interactive Features:

  • Click on Show more filters top right
  • Click on NCEA
  • Make one or more selections, for example:
    • Literacy requirement Status
    • Numeracy requirement Status
    • Credit count
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