EdPotential for Heads of Department (NZ)

This article gives an overview of useful features for Heads of Department and also provides questions to consider in departmental reviews.

EdPotential banner


edpo dashboard example
Overview The dashboard provides a view of school-wide assessment data
Purpose School leaders are able to monitor progress over time by viewing longitudinal data

Heads of Department are able to:
  • Monitor department achievement rates by grade over time
  • Compare department achievement rates:
    • To overall school achievement rates
    • For priority learners to all students


Page Features
NCEA achievement standard summary example in edpotential
Show charts
Click on a heading to open a chart
Filter data Click on Show options, and select a faculty and/or gender and/or ethnicity
Chart Features
Hover Hover your mouse over the chart sections to see the details
Legend Left click on a legend item to remove it from the chart
Right click on a legend item to show only that item
Menu Click on the 3 dots at the top right of the chart to show options
Change the chart view with Plot Vertical/Unstack
Click on Show table to add a table of values

Review Questions

Filter by faculty to review:

  1. Overall achievement 
    1. Compare overall achievement at each Level to school-wide achievement 
    2. Have you met your faculty goal around the proportion of standards achieved at each level of NCEA?
    3. Are you seeing an increasing proportion of students achieving at each level over time?
  2. Achievement at Excellence
    1. Compare achievement at Excellence for each NCEA Level to school-wide achievement
    2. Have you met your faculty goal around the proportion of standards being achieved at Excellence level?
    3. Are you seeing an increasing proportion of standards being achieved at Excellence level?
  3. Achievement of priority learners e.g. Māori and Pasifika students
    1. Compare priority learners’ achievement within the department to their achievement school wide
    2. Compare priority learners’ achievement within the department to the achievement of all students within the department
    3. Are your priority learners achieving at similar rates to other students?
    4. Have you met your goals around priority learners?
    5. Is there an area you need to focus on for priority learners?
  4. Scholarship
    1. If relevant for you:
      1. Have you met your faculty goal around the number of scholarships being attained?
      2. Are you seeing an increasing number of scholarships being attained?

Course Report

Access Click on the second tab Reporting
Click on the third sub-tab Course
Click on Table to show all courses 
navigating to course report in edpotential
Access a course within a faculty
Click on the faculty name
Click on a course name
Click on the chosen year
selecting what to view in course report in edpotential
Access a course by name or code
Click on Table
Search for the course name or code
selecting courses by name or code

Course Report Features

report example in course report
Overview Student progress in the course
  • Overall
  • By class
  • By standard
  • By gender
  • By ethnicity

Evaluated by NCEA credits

Purpose Compare results by class, standard, gender, ethnicity
Look for areas of success and areas for improvement, for example, consider:
  1. Is the first standard one in which all students are likely to excel?
  2. Is there a standard on which more time should be spent?
Chart Features
viewing a chard results by class
Hover Hover your mouse over the chart sections to see the details
Legend Left click on a legend item to remove it from the chart
Right click on a legend item to show only that item


Click on the 3 dots at the top right of the chart to show options
Change the chart view with Plot Vertical/Unstack
Change to Plot absolute
Click on Show table to add table of values

Review questions

Choose a course to review:

  1. Overall achievement
    1. How does overall achievement compare to achievement in other courses at the same level? 
    2. Are you seeing a decreasing proportion of credits not achieved over time? 
    3. Consider the reasons for this
  2. Achievement at Excellence 
    1. How does achievement at Excellence compare to achievement at Excellence in other courses at the same level? 
    2. Are you seeing an increasing proportion of achievement at Excellence level over time?
  3. Achievement by Class 
    1. Compare achievement by class
    2. Consider factors that have affected achievement, for example:
      1. Class size
      2. This particular cohort
      3. Timetable effects on student groupings in classes
      4. Staff change or illness
    3. Keeping the above in mind, are there any areas of concern? 
    4. Are there strategies or resources one teacher can share with others? 
  4. Achievement by Gender 
    1. Compare achievement by gender 
    2. Is there an area you need to focus on for male or female learners?
  5. Achievement of priority learners e.g. Māori and Pasifika students
    1. Compare priority learners’ achievement to the achievement of other learners 
    2. Have you met your goals around priority learners?
    3. Is there an area you need to focus on for priority learners?

Class Report

Access Click on the second tab Reporting
Click on the fourth sub-tab Class
accessing class report in edpotential

Class Report Features

class report in edpotential
Overview Student progress in the class
  • Overall
  • By standard
  • By gender
  • By ethnicity
Evaluated by NCEA credits and GPA
Purpose Compare results by standard, gender, ethnicity

Class List Features

class list of achievements in a class
Overview Student achievement in this class
Purpose Monitor student progress towards goals (e.g. 14 credits in Level 3 class)
Compare students' performance in this class compared to others (Class GPA c.f. NCEA GPA)
Tools Click on a heading to order the list by that heading
Click on it again to change the order of the list

Explore the Data

Access Click on the third tab Explore the Data
Click on Browse
accessing explore the data tab in edpotential

Explore the Data Feature 1

Overview Review results in a chosen standard
  • Over recent years
  • By gender
  • By ethnicity
  • By class
Purpose Evaluate the teaching and learning of a standard
selecting standards and subjects to view
Tools Click on
  • NCEA
  • NCEA L1, L2 or L3
  • A subject
    • Note: These are subjects as defined by NZQA. For example, English is in Humanities and Maths is in Science.
  • A field (e.g. English)
  • A domain
  • A standard
  • Grade
If this is the only standard you wish to view, click OK
If you which to view multiple standards at once, click each standard, then grade, one at a time. Then, click OK.
plotting different grades to analyse
  • Choose multiple years
  • Chose one year
    • By ethnicity
    • By gender
    • By related class
  • Add a comparison to national results, if the year is 2021 or prior

Explore the data Feature 2

Overview Review cohort results across the faculty
Purpose Review the proportion of students gaining
  • 14 credits
  • 14 credits at M and/or E
items to select when exporting data
exporting data for checking credits
Tools Click on NCEA, the choose an NCEA level (L1, L2 or L3). Select a subject and that subjects credits, then click OK.

Next, select your year of interest, and click Export.

Review questions

Feature 1: Choose a standard recently assessed to review teaching and learning. Consider:

  1. Achievement over time
    1. Compare overall achievement each year
      1. Are you seeing an increasing proportion of students achieving over time?
      2. Are you seeing an increasing proportion of students achieving at Excellence level? 
    2. Give reasons for the above. Consider:
      1. Differences within cohorts 
      2. Events impacting achievement e.g. Covid 
    3. Is there something here that you as a department need to work on?
  2. Achievement by Gender (if relevant)
    1. Compare achievement of male and female students 
    2. Notice any significant differences 
    3. Give reasons 
    4. Is there something here that you as a department need to work on? 
  3. Achievement of priority learners e.g. Māori and Pasifika students 
    1. Compare achievement of Māori and Pasifika students with students in other groups 
    2. Notice any significant differences 
    3. Give reasons
    4. Is there something here that you as a department need to work on? 
  4. Achievement by class 
    1. Compare achievement within classes 
    2. Notice any significant differences 
    3. Give reasons
    4. Is there an area here where more support is needed? 
  5. Achievement compared to national achievement
    1. Compare results to all deciles or to your decile. Note the current year’s national results are not available until May.  

Feature 2: Choose the NCEA Level you wish to analyse results for. Consider: 

  1. Using the chart 
    1. What is the proportion of students that attained 14 or more credits?
  2. Using the exported file 
    1. What is the proportion of students who gained Merit and/or Excellence across the department? 
    2. What is the proportion of students that attained Not Achieved or were absent? 
  3. What are the areas you need to focus on for improvement?

For any questions, please reach out to our team.

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