Using the NCEA Reporting page

The NCEA Reporting page offers a filterable and editable list of students and their progress towards NCEA.

Using the NCEA Reporting page you can

  • Create an exportable list of students within a selected cohort
  • Create a filtered list of students who meet a selected criteria
  • Include selected certifications, qualifications, credit counts in the list

To access the page, under the Reporting tab, select the NCEA option.

NCEA report filters

The default student list has all students and their credit counts in NCEA Levels 1, 2, and 3.

First, choose the group of students you would like in the list.

To limit the list to a select group, choose Show more filters.

Use the filters to

  • Make one or more selections, for example
    • House
    • Tutor group
    • Year level
  • Filter by NCEA achievements as in Student Reporting.

NCEA list options

Now that you have your selected group of students listed you can choose which details are shown in the list.

To choose what is shown in the list, click on Show column options.

  • Note in the list that
    • Grade NE means achieved, no endorsement
    • Confirmed means confirmed by NZQA
    • Calculated means calculated by EdPotential, not yet confirmed by NZQA

Interactive Features

  • Click on the columns to be shown, deselect columns not to be shown. For example, as above, filter to Year 13 then select columns:
    • NCEA L2 Certificate
    • L3+ Certificate Credits
    • Possible approved subjects 
  • Click on a student's name to open their report
  • Click on a column heading to order the table by that column
  • Copy or export the table by clicking on the icons bottom left
  • Show more rows in the table on the screen by clicking Rows per page
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