Exporting Edval Data

This article provides a guide in sending data exported from Edval to be imported into EdPotential.

A summary of the data we know can be extracted from Edval is:

  • Current student details: Code (Student ID), Name, Classes
  • Current staff details: Code, Name, Faculty, Email
  • Course details: Code, Faculty, Subject, TeacherPref, Assigned Teacher

These are described in more detail below

Data Types out of Edval

Student Data

This will be a list of the current students at the school in a given year level. Please export one file for each year level. Past students will be imported through their assessment results.

Column Name What it represents
Code Student Record Number (SRN)
Name Surname, First name
Class1 - ClassX The class codes of each class the student is timetabled in

Teacher Data

This will be a list of the teachers who are assigned to current classes.

Column Name What it represents
Code The teacher’s staff code
Name Surname, First name
Email The teacher’s email address

Course Data

This will be a list of the current classes timetabled for a given year level. You will need to export one file for each year level.

Column Name What it represents
Code The class code
Faculty The name of the faculty
Subject The name of the subject (course)
TeacherPref The codes of the teacher/s assigned to this class
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