Creating a Custom Field in KAMAR

You are able to add a new field in the student details visible on EdPotential by creating a new custom field in KAMAR. For example, if you are wanting to filter the student list so that only Year 13 students working towards UE are included, you can add a custom field named Pathway and add the option of UE to students who are on a UE pathway. 

The steps required are:

  • Create a new custom field
    • Go to Setup > KAMAR > Student Details > Custom Fields
    • Add the title (e.g. Pathway) and options (e.g. UE) to a custom field not currently used
  • Add the flag to students
    • Go to Admin > Student Changes > Details - Student
    • Add the correct option/s for the students you want to have this flag
  • Enable the field to come through to EdPotential
    • Go to Setup > Server > Directory Services > EdPotential
    • Click on Student Details
    • Find and tick the flag you have created

Let us know when you have done this and we'll check for the flag in the next full file from KAMAR Directory Services.

Once we’ve enabled the flag to show, you will be able to filter the student list on EdPotential to include only those students who are in the group you have specified.

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