EdPotential Teacher's Guide (AU)

Welcome to EdPotential!

EdPotential brings all your student data onto one platform enabling you to make data informed decisions on when to differentiate student learning. 

For each student you can easily determine their strengths, the progress they’ve made and areas of need. 

For each class you are able to analyse where your students are at, whether they are making the expected level of progress and where differentiation in learning is needed.

Using EdPotential you can triangulate data across different levels and track year on year progress.

With data being uploaded to EdPotential as soon as it becomes available, you will always have an up-to-date record of your students’ results.

Getting Started

Logging in

There is a unique login URL for your school to access your data on EdPotential. Once your senior leader shares this URL with you, you can log in using your school account details.

If you are already logged in to your school account on your device, you will automatically be logged in to EdPotential.

Navigating your way

As a teacher, the two areas in EdPotential you’ll find most helpful are:

  • Reporting: Select this tab to view an individual student report or a summary of your class results
  • Cohort Report: Select this tab to view all results for students in a selected cohort or class

Using the Student Report

To access student reports select the Reporting tab.

You can use a student report to

  • View all of a student’s data in easy to read graphs and tables: their demographics, achievement history, qualification attainment, class history and (once available) attendance.
  • Monitor student progress in the current year and over recent years
  • Use results in all assessment types to identify the student’s strengths and needs. Where available these will include
    • NAPLAN
    • PAT
    • Check-ins
    • School assessment results
    • Other external assessment types e.g. Allwell, DIBELS, e-asTTle

An example student's NAPLAN summary

Using the Class Report

To access class reports select the Reporting tab then the second sub-tab Class.

You can use a class report to

  • Monitor overall achievement of the class in each assessment type 
  • Use results in all assessment types to determine where learning differentiation is needed

Using the Cohort Report

To access cohort reports select the Cohort Report tab.

You can use a cohort report to

  • View all results for students within a cohort (e.g. one year level)
  • See at a glance students’ results in each assessment type
  • Use longitudinal data to monitor progress of the cohort over time

An example Year 10 report

Using the Class Cohort Report

To access class cohort reports, once in Cohort Report, select the Class Cohort Report tab.

You can use a class cohort report to

  • View all results for students within a class in a table which can be ordered by any result
  • Determine which students will require which level of content

You can learn more about these reports in upcoming guides.

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