Understanding data requested from KAMAR

This article outlines the types of data that EdPotential requests from KAMAR, and the impact that this information has.

Types of data EdPotential requests

Student Details

In order to display data in EdPotential alongside other student information, we collect student details that are held in KAMAR

The details shown in bold below are the minimum requirements. Selecting just these mandatory (bold) details will, however, result in limited product capability. Additional information will result in a much richer capability. We encourage you to include as many details as possible.

KAMAR student details

Student Detail(s)

Use of data

School Index


Name - First - Preferred

Name - Fore - Preferred

Name - Last - Preferred

We require multiple identifiers to ensure accuracy and to ensure we can match with various other datasets (e.g. assessment files).
Gender This field is used to identify differences in achievement attributable to gender. Interventions can then be designed to specifically target areas of need for the identified students of concern.
House This field allows you to identify which house a student is in, and filter to students of a specific House only.

This feature allows House leaders and Deans of House to monitor progress of their students.
Boarder For schools with boarders, staff responsible for boarders will be able to filter student lists to see their specific students.

If your school does not have boarders, there is no need to tick this option. If you do, we can hide this from your students’ profiles if required.
ESOL When this information is included in the student profile, staff responsible for English language learners are able to filter the student list to their learners.

It also provides teachers with easy identification of students who may require extra support in literacy-rich courses.

Date - Birth

Date - Start

Date - Start schooling

Leaving - Date

We require date of birth and leaving date so that student profiles are complete with student age and whether they are a current student.

We require the date a student started at this school and the date they started school as these are often helpful to school leaders.

Ethnicity - Level 1

Ethnicity - Level 2

Ethnicity - Level 4

Ethnicity data is used to help monitor progress of priority learners and to give information about different ethnic groups.
Level - Current The current year level of students is required to enable schools to filter students by year level.
Tutor This field allows school leaders to see who to contact with any questions or concerns about a particular student. Tutor group leaders can use this field to monitor the progress of their group members.

When the tutor group is included in an NCEA list, deans can identify tutors to talk to about students of concern. 
Flags If you have flags set in KAMAR to identify a student group unrelated to the above groupings, these can be stored by EdPotential.

If you would like to be able to filter a student list to see just flagged students, please tick this field.

Only student details that enable filtering and analyses of the data are requested (items in bold). 

If there is specific information you do not wish to share then please deselect the individual item. Please get in touch if you wish to know what impact this will have on the product capability.

Personal details such as caregivers and addresses are not available options and can therefore not be inadvertently sent from KAMAR. If your school wants to provide caregivers with access to student reports in the future this would involve changes to both data collected from KAMAR and access permissions. These would be agreed on and require actions from both EdPotential and the school to initiate.

Staff Details

The staff details we require are shown below in bold.
Staff details

This information ensures teachers’ details in class reports are accurate. Including the date fields will ensure your staff list on EdPotential contains current staff. 

As per student details, the bold items are required, but the others are optional, with potential product impacts.

Course Details

The student and staff information collected from KAMAR enables EdPotential to assign students and teachers to classes. Course information then allows classes and units of assessment to be assigned to courses. 

Assessment Details

The assessment details populate student, class and course reports. The more details known about students, the more insights can be gained from the assessment data. 

Achievement by gender and ethnicity are displayed in class and course reports. These reports enable evaluation of course efficacy and are often used for Board reports.

How does EdPotential protect your data?

Data received from KAMAR into the EdPotential system is securely stored and protected as follows:

  • EdPotential Database and File Storage components utilise industry-standard Encryption technology (AES256).
  • Data transfer between KAMAR and EdPotential is encrypted using HTTPS/TLS to protect data in transit.
  • Data is stored within Amazon Web Services, in the Sydney (AU) region.
  • Access to your data is restricted to authorised EdPotential Customer Support Staff only for the purpose of assisting you with your use of the system.

EdPotential is extremely aware of our requirements and obligations with regards to security and privacy, especially as we hold numerous sensitive data. We welcome any questions or feedback you may have.

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