Using the NCEA Filters on EdPotential

Using EdPotential, you can easily locate students that meet specific criteria in NCEA achievement. This article outlines how you can achieve this.

Getting started

Once you have logged in, navigate to the Reporting tab. You will be directed automatically to the Student tab.

Click the option to Show more filters.

Navigation and show more filters buttons

In the options that are displayed, choose Only NCEA students. Three separate sections will appear showing different options.

Option to select only NCEA students

Section 1: Qualifications and Certifications

This option allows you to filter students according to whether they have passed or have yet to pass one or more of the NCEA certifications. 

Section 2: Credit Counts

Here you can filter students by the number of credits they have earned:

  1. Towards a specific level of certification. 
    1. All credits at this level and above will be counted. 
    2. For levels 2 and 3, 20 credits from the level below will be counted.
  2. At the same level and above (credits at lower levels will not be included).
  3. At this level only (only credits at the level chosen will be counted).

Section 3: Approved Subjects

Use this option to filter Year 13 students according to their progress towards the UE requirement of at least 4 credits in at least 3 approved subjects.

Choose to filter by:

  1. The number of attained approved subjects. These are approved subjects in which students have attained the required 14 credits.
  2. The number of possible approved subjects. These are approved subjects in which students are entered for the required 14 credits.

Note that the names of approved subjects match what has been specified by the Ministry of Education and may differ from your course names. 


This section shows specific examples of how you might use these filters to identify students of concern.

Year 11 students with less than 20 credits in NCEA
  1. Select the year level you wish to focus on.Year level selection
  2. In the Credit Counts section choose the credit count limits you want to apply in the level of certification you are focusing on.
    Option to specify credit amounts
  3. If Certificate is selected, all credits towards this level of certification are included. For the level 1 certificate, all credits at levels 1, 2 and 3 are included.
Year 11 students yet to pass L1 Literacy
  1. Choose Year 11 for minimum and maximum year levels.
  2. In the Qualifications and Certifications section, choose Not attained from the dropdown menu next to L1 Literacy status.
    Option to select literacy status
Year 12 and 13 students yet to pass L1 Numeracy
  1. Choose Year 12 to Year 13.
    Year level selection
  2. In the Qualifications and Certifications section, choose Not attained from the dropdown menu next to L1 Numeracy status.
    Option to select numeracy status
Year 13 students yet to pass UE Literacy
  1. Choose Year 13.
    Year level selection
  2. In the Qualifications and Certifications section, choose Not attained from the dropdown menu next to University Entrance Literacy status. Option to set UE Literacy status
Year 13 students who have gained at least 14 credits in 1 or 2 approved subjects 

Use this option if you wish to check they are on track in a second and/or third approved subject.

  1. Choose Year 13.
  2. In the Approved Subjects section set the first row to Attained approved subjects between 1 and 2.
    Option to set subjects
Year 13 students who are entered for at least 14 credits in at least three approved subjects (so they are on track for the approved subject requirement for UE) but have not yet passed UE Literacy
  1. Select Year 13.
  2. In the Qualifications and Certifications section, choose Not attained from the dropdown menu next to University Entrance Literacy Status.
  3. In the Approved Subjects section complete the second row Possible approved subjects between 3 and Maximum count (You don't need to specify a maximum number here!).
    UE Status and subjets counted

Next Steps

Once you've edited the filters, the list of students shown at the bottom of the page will automatically adjust to suit.

From here, you can view individual students in more detail, or export or copy this data as required.

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