Viewing specific scores in BASE

This article covers some of the specific BASE scores that teachers can view through EdPotential.

Viewing scores students achieved in BASE9 Numeracy in 2021

  1. Navigate to Explore the Data, and click into Present the data. 
  2. Select 
    1. Select the required Qualification (e.g. BASE)
    2. Select the required Level (e.g. BASE9)
    3. Select the required Syllabus (e.g. Numeracy 9)
    4. Select the required Results (e.g. Score)
  3. Underneath the heading Years of interest select the required year (e.g. 2021). 
  4. A box and whisker chart will be automatically produced.

Viewing the grades students achieved from BASE7 Literacy test in 2021

  1. Navigate to Explore the Data, and click into Present the data. 
  2. Select 
    1. Select the required Qualification (e.g. BASE)
    2. Select the required Level (e.g. BASE7)
    3. Select the required Syllabus (e.g. Literacy 7)
    4. Select the required Results (e.g. Grade)
  3. Underneath the heading 
    1. You can select multiple years here. 
  4. A bar chart will be automatically produced.

Viewing how students did in Numeracy in BASE9 compared to BASE7

You can compare how the same cohort performed in MidYIS7 versus MidYIS9 in EdPotential. 

The following instructions are an example on how to perform this analysis. Choose any years you wish to compare!

  1. Navigate to Explore the Data, and click into Present the data. 
  2. Select 
    1. Select the required Qualification (e.g. BASE7)
    2. Select the required Syllabus (e.g. Numeracy 7)
    3. Select the required Results (e.g. Score). 
    4. Don't select a year of interest just yet!
  3. Select 
    1. Select the required Qualification (e.g. BASE9)
    2. Select the required Syllabus (e.g. Numeracy 9)
  4. Underneath the heading And I’d like to plot these, select one against the other.
  5. Underneath the title Year for Numeracy 7 (score) select 2019 (or any year you wish).
  6. Underneath the title Year for Numeracy 9 (score) select 2021 (or any year you wish). 
  7. A scatter plot comparing the scores of Numeracy BASE7 versus BASE9 will be automatically produced.
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