Downloading NZQA school results data

In order for us to load some of your school's data, we need the NZQA files that you get at the start of each year containing student results. This article shows how to access these.

The files required can be downloaded directly from NZQA. These come in a ZIP file that contains an XML file. The naming convention is typically, containing a file SchoolResults-00YY-2020.xml (00YY is the school ID). 

You will want to download files for the last four years so that you have five years of complete NCEA data on EdPotential.

If you don't have the files at hand, they can be downloaded:

  • Log in to the NZQA website.
  • Access the high security features. You will see a link called file downloads.

  • Clicking this link to be shown the available options. You're looking for the results / XML results file.
  • The files may take a few minutes to download and generate. 

Depending on the time of download, scholarship results may or may not be included in the file. We can do a separate import of the scholarship file when released if this is the case.

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