NCEA school overview dashboard - EdPotential

With EdPotential, you have access to a school overview dashboard. This article covers the details of this dashboard if following an NCEA curriculum.

To get started, log in to your EdPotential account.

Remember to log out at the end of your session! Not only is this good data security practice, but it will also ensure that your data selections and filters will be cleared before your next session.

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be taken to an Overview Dashboard.

This dashboard allows you to view the overall credits gained by students within your school. View grades by selecting  Show alongside any of the main options displayed.

NCEA overview dashboard

View specific grades

Deselect grades from the chart by clicking on the grade key icon in the box beneath the x-axis. This will remove the grade from the overall chart.

For example:

  1. In the Dashboard, select Show alongside Assessment summary for NCEA Achievement Standard grades.
  2. In the key box showing the grades click on the purple coloured V. This grade will show up as faded within the box. 
    1. This will remove the students who received V grades from the overall results.  
  3. Click the V again to reenable that data.

This same action can be completed in all of the charts in EdPotential.

Change chart layout

You can also change the layout of the displayed chart. You can see how to do this below:

  1. In the Dashboard, select Show alongside Assessment summary for NCEA Achievement Standard grades.
  2. In the upper right hand corner of the chart (underneath Hide) click the black menu box. This will give you several options to display the data.
  3. Try clicking Plot vertically.

Your data will now be displayed vertically. Repeat the same action to switch it back.

View chart details

Move your cursor over the data plots to view detailed statistics on each of the grade segments. For example, move your cursor over the M grade segment (green) to be shown a pop up box with more detailed information.

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