Managing charts on EdPotential

EdPotential allows you to easily manipulate any charts that you generate. You can export charts in various file types, and switch them to other chart styles (line, bar, vertical or horizontal). This allows you to share and present data however you need!

Changing the format of a chart

Some of the basic charts are formatted by default as bar charts, but this can be easily changed. Bar charts may be stacked, plotted horizontally or vertically, or plotted as a line chart. Here's how:

  • Once you have generated a chart, click the burger menu (in the upper right corner). This will give you several options. 
  • Simply click your desired option to change the format of your bar chart.
  • You can always reverse the changes you make by repeating the action!

For a line chart to be produced, you must have more than one year of results selected.

You may also choose to add error bars to your bar chart by selecting Show error bars.

Plotting a box plot as a bar chart

Once you have generated a box plot, you may choose to change the format to a bar chart (for IB, MidYTIS and PAT results). 

  • Select Plot as bar chart from the dropdown menu and a bar chart equivalent will be produced. 
  • Reverse the action by selecting Plot as box plot from the drop down menu.

Plotting a bar chart as a line chart

You may plot any bar chart within EdPotential as a line chart. You must select more than one year in order to generate a line chart!

  • Once a bar chart is plotted, select the drop down menu box in the upper right hand corner of the chart and click Plot as line chart. 
  • A line chart will be automatically produced, as below.

  • You can choose to hide the sample numbers. Select Hide numbers, and the numbers on the chart will be hidden. 
    • Repeat the same step to turn them back on.

View a chart in tabular form

You may view any of the bar or line charts in EdPotential in tabular form. The following is an example of how to plot a table from the Dashboard:

  • From the Dashboard, click the arrow alongside an available summary to display the information.
  • Click the drop down menu on the top right hand side of the chart.
  • Click Show table, and a table will be automatically generated underneath the chart.

If you are viewing the tabular data in the Explore the data section, you may export the underlying data as a CSV file using the download button (located on the right hand side below the table).

Comparing scores

CIE charts may be plotted as a heat map when the score is plotted against another score. Once you have generated a CIE scatter plot chart, select the drop down box and click Enable heat map. The same scatter plot will be produced as a heat map.

Exporting Charts

Charts can be exported as SVG, PNG, JPEG, or PDF. Alternatively, you can print an entire page. Once you have generated a chart:

  • Click the drop-down menu (located on the upper right-hand side of the chart).
  • Select the file type you wish to download the chart as (e.g. PDF). 
  • The file will be automatically downloaded to your computer. All done!

Exporting chart data

Data generated through the Explore the data section can be exported as a CSV file. This may be completed after you have generated a chart. Here's how:

  1. Navigate to Explore the data.
  2. From the Present the data screen, generate a chart of interest.
  3. Once the chart is generated select export next to What do you want to plot?.

  1. A CSV file will automatically download. This file contains all the data that was used to generate the shown chart.

If you have a warning appear that one or more students were not included on the chart please be aware that this student data will be included in the downloaded CSV file.

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